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Care Services Questions

Do you have nurses on staff?

Yes, we have nurses on staff daily.

Our staff receives all required state trainings, as well as ongoing, in-depth dementia training.

No, we do not provide personal care supplies or other toiletries.

How many residents live here?

There are currently 64 residents living here, and our facility is licensed for up to 75 residents.

Yes, we provide transportation to doctors’ appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is a minimum fee of $25 for escorts if staffing allows.

Yes, an escort is available if needed.

Other Community Questions

Is Housekeeping offered?

Yes, weekly housekeeping is included.

Yes, we provide basic cable TV and Wi-Fi to residents.

Overnight guests are allowed on a case-by-case basis, and approval from the Executive Director is required.

Yes, religious services are offered onsite.

Are laundry services offered?

Yes, laundry services are provided once a week.

Visitors are allowed at any time, but please note that our concierge is on site from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Residents are always encouraged to participate in activities within their tolerance, and you can find information about daily activities through LifeLoop.

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